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Borrowed Chords A Musical Twist

Fretjam Guitar Lessons

Simplifying Theory

Borrowed Chords: A Musical Twist

Understanding the Concept

Borrowed chords are a musical technique where chords are borrowed from the parallel minor or major scale. Unlike secondary chords, which involve altering the quality of the root, borrowed chords simply use the root quality from the parallel scale.

Common Borrowed Chords for C Major

In the case of C Major, common borrowed chords include:

  • iv (F minor)
  • VI (A minor)
  • VII (B half-diminished)
  • I (C minor)


Borrowed chords add depth and sophistication to musical compositions. By stepping outside the confines of the primary key, they create unexpected harmonies and enhance melodic expression. Whether it's the mournful wail of a borrowed minor chord or the triumphant lift of a borrowed major chord, these musical twists leave a lasting impression that captivates the listener.
